AMC Gremlin . Condition is Used.This car is from GA and is rust free. I have put all NEW tires , brakes, wheel cyl,, and master cyl new carpet and front seats are new . The gas tank has been droped cleane and a new sending unit put in . A new chrome front bumper has just been added This car runs great and can drive cross country . Carburetor has been rebuilt. I just put new drive shaft U- joints in 4- new tires on stock wheels. Would look sharp with some coustom wheels. It has A_C Powers steering and power breaks . It is a fun car to drive. There is over 2500 in to repairing the car and there is the car . Turn key and drive it I am open to offers but I am close to what I have into it I may beable to help on delivery I am retired and like to drive . Delivery would be a fee about a $1 per mile my house to your's I do have about 20 cars and a few trucks I will be down sizeing this year . Age has a way of chacking up on you .Good luck Thanks (330 465 0217 ) |