As a very young lad 44 years ago, I bought a Sports Car. This Spitfire was from North Carolina and was parked at a Sunoco Gas station at an exit on I-80 in central Pennsylvania. The Spitfire's engine did not operate and the gas station owner said he didn't know anything about it. He towed the car off the interstate and told the owned he could not repair it. I suppose some transaction was made between the station owner and the owner of the Spitfire.The car was so beautiful in British Racing Green and I just had to have it. After buying the Spitfire I soon discovered the reason the engine would not operate. A connecting rod tried to exit the right side of the engine block. I sourced another Spitfire engine and made the car complete once again.Having the car for 44 years, I have many wonderful memories, (like teaching Linda to drive a manual shift), and some not so wonderful. (like the Christmas Tree tossed out of a 5th story window crashing trunk first on the bonnet). I have so many more stories with which I'll not bore the reader. While the Spitfire was fun to drive, it lacked power. A friend found a rare Oldsmobile engine from a 1963 F85 JetFire. I surmised the Olds engine would fit in the Spitfire, (I was aware these engines were installed in MGB's). Due to the location of the Turbocharger, (on top the intake manifold), some unique exhaust plumbing was required when fitting the engine in the chassis. The car was driven ten years with the Turbo and the Turbo Rocket Fluid Delivery System installed but it was ultimately removed and replaced by a standard four barrel carburetor. While the Turbo offered a unique driving experience, the intense heat practically melted my sneakers. The car is currently located in central Pennsylvania and can be seen by arranging an appointment. The buyer is responsible for towing or shipping the car. The Spitfire is mechanically sound and can be driven anywhere however, until the new owner has secured official registration and my Pennsylvania registration and auto insurance is removed, the car cannot be driven away. |