1952MG TD/C MARK II ASKING PRICE IS $23,500 OBOOWNER: KELLY BARTONRIVERSIDE, CA714-366-8604 The MG factoryin Abingdon, England produced 1,022 MG TD Mark II cars in 1952. The growing popularity of the MG brand in theUS and Europe convinced the Abingdon Engineers to make an uprated racing versionof the TD designated as the TD/C Mark II. A few of the modification that gave the TD an advantage in racing werelarger 2.5” carburetors, dual fuel pumps, higher engine compression, and improvedrear shocks. Listed below are a few ofthe new or modified parts on this TD Mark II.· Completeengine rebuild with cylinder over bore by .060· Newcarburetors· Larger valveswith new valve guides, and springs· Regroundcamshaft· New cam gears · New pistons· New bearingand rod bolts· Rebuildrocker-arm assembly· New timingchain· New water pump· Rebuild oilpump· New clutch,pressure plate and throw-out bearing· New interiorand carpet· New top andtop boot cover· New car cover· Original sidecurtains are in relatively good condition· (5) new chromewire wheels with knock off hubs· Cleaned andpressure tested radiator |