Runs and drives, needs brake work, please make a reasonable offer. -- Looking underneath there may be some bondo on it, car was painted 15-16 yrs ago, no visible rust bubbles except for the left side small area which is visible in the photos…-- Some parts may be missing, car has never been fully assembled so we don't know. One running board trim strips is missing.--How does the engine run - oil pressure, compression test, overheating etc.?All checks out except compression test not been done. A little hard to start, oil pressure 40lbs @ running-- ok. No overheating or cooling issues have been observed. Car has not been driven in heavy traffic on a hot day….so can't say for sure.--How good is the clutch? Its good, no noise in throw out bearing etc.How much, if any, noise does the throw-out bearing make?No noise.--Do first and reverse gears whine?-- not that we have heard.-- What works and what doesn't?Lots of little things may not work, we don't even know the tiny things that may need to be adjusted, mechanical brakes in rear work, hydraulic in front do not, just need typical brake work, everything is there for the brakes.-- Upholstery appears t have been replaced by vinyl -Fairly certain it is leather and replaced, as leather from 1953 would not look this good.-- Our Dad purchased the car from a local guy in 2004, Dad was a big classic car collector. That previous owner had since 1990, past that we don't know—"previously titled in Illinois." |
Price: | 17500 USD |
Make: | Bentley |
Model: | R Type |
Year: | 1953 |
Mileage: | 99000 MI |
Transmission: | Manual |